Tfw when your mystic weapon tangles you up with the girl you like and you gotta play it off cool~

3 19

Whiteboard doodles with friends. I have to post the others separate later but it was fun!

11 42

A drawing from last night because I wanted to ;p

7 40

Doodles features cats that rule tumblr users tatos-turtle-box , misfit-t0ys and optimusbitch

6 40

Some precious boys I drew to play around with clipping layers and to help lower my anxiety qwq

6 27

And a redraw from a picture I made just about a year ago. Hopefully it looks like I improved at all... TwT

4 29

Accept this little Mikey for a drawing qwq

3 22

Still drawing this stuff! Btw, ir anyone wants to follow this useless trend, go check they have some kickass panels to redraw ❤️❤️❤️

this tags srsly look like i smashed my keyboard

5 44

Mikey is Cheese Bae.
I’ve been doing a lot of lately. Will I ever stop? No. Especially since is still airing. 😊 I decided to color in the eyes because why not? :D

10 30

Someone said it was Fibonacci day...

5 22

But fibonacci is too hard to eat. Donnie needs to cook un-arithmetic pasta. >:{

4 18

This one was requested/commissioned by a friend of mine to print it on a t-shirt for her (It doesn't have the gradient background neither the watermark on her shirt XD).

3 11