How about episode 6 of 😱 I'm used to Himiko dropping literal bombs but that last one was way more explosive! Meanwhile I'm just over here wondering what Yuzu is up to and what Karin is gonna do about it.

9 95

6 Episodes into and I gotta say I think it's bizarre, funny and enjoyable so far. I'm interesting in seeing where this all goes.
Also, Yuzu Roromori is Best Girl.

8 25

so, episode 10 attacked me with the boyfriends. THAT FUCKING HAND HOLD YALL

10話やばい, カイザクやばい

3 10

Another new item on my store so soon? Well, my awesome friend made me some more art to share with you guys, this time of Yuzu! These postcards are smaller, cheaper options VS my large autograph cards. Check 'em out!

2 15

Reminder everyone! This coming Sunday, 10/13, we'll be streaming a cast & crew part for the English dub of We'll have plenty of the cast present, so swing by the link below and we'll be happy to have you! Should be a fun time! :D

6 26

. made me this AMAZING art of my grump queen Karin from anime for Christmas 👊🏻💥 I love it so so so much! Thank youuuu!!

6 50

I drew this picture of Karin from anime for for Christmas. Please enjoy all these Pacameras.

24 176

>#theoneswithin blu-ray
>comes with the OVA

3 21

Watched which I enjoyed the premise, character designs and the plot I just wish it had more episodes to fully flesh out the story as there was so much intrigue and chsracter background and I want to know more

0 1

[23] Zakuro Oshigiri from The Ones Within - Genome

4 9

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: day 99 of waiting for chapter 49..........sniff
ಥ_ಥ it'll update... Right?

0 5

Zakuro oshigiri fanart
I've been having lots of art style changes and I felt this was good to show you all

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