Quick art! Drew my fave Totally Spies character today 🥰 Sam 🫶🏻

Who should I draw next? 🤔💭

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I’m really happy how this turned out ~ been having a hard time drawing becuz of artblick and procrastination 🫠

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Resharing the three girls together. Cliver, Sam and Alex crossover with evangelion ❤️💚💛

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Drawings of my favorite Totally Spy Alex and Risley Law too 💛💙💛💙💛💙

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New drawing by totally spies Alex now available on Patreon.

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Honestly, Clover screams ✨youngest sibling✨in the group xD am I wrong?

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Quick painting
Suddenly remember this show from my childhood and gotta blend some nostalgic feelings to my art 🥰 I like the scene when they are together like this, safe and sounds 😌 miss those gals

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Me and my some friends decided to draw a character from so here's my Alex.

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Epic Jerry.
Agent 0067, you will always be in our hearts.

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For a fic I co-wrote a while back (What If/TS crossover). It's been on https://t.co/2A17GwVEEJ. Now posting on Wattpad. The guy's an OC, and the bg's inspried from reference. Rights to Marvel & Marathon.

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