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Finished my latest Dinosaur piece! Thank you timetravel!

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Website is back up! Here's a triumphant to celebrate! http://t.co/3Wj9Jq0tND

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What might have looked like when she was 65 million years younger!

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【from日本】"ギャラリー別館" に 3Dアーティスト Tom223z / 中根知之さん http://t.co/Wm5xrmajTU の作品「TRex -ティラノサウルス」を追加! http://t.co/NAlSwRZTuf 

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we are the children of the "EVOLUTION"!! A T Rex T-rex

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My "Cat O'Saurus Rex" for today's This guy has trouble shredding the couch w/ his wee arms.

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Trex work in progress: almost done with detailing I think, just some more... What do you guys think?

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One of my last personal I forgot to share here: A ridding a . OP!

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Did a quickie TRex for ..loving everybody's dino drawings!

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What's for lunch? Oh right, it's you!

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[sad] This is the newest Tyrannosaurus. TOO BIRDY!!! 最新のティラノサウルス予想図鳥すぎワロタwww

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