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Here's a preview of our upcoming show featuring new works by GRAEME SHAW - visit our website for more!

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Hello all, just finished a new illustration for a new client featuring Mental Rugby players...

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8th Annual Cabaret Macabre poster featuring What a lineup!

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Thought you'd like to see one of the AWAY FROM THE NORM cartoons featuring NORM Bear. Please RT if you like it!

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Here's a new CD cover I did for "The Pull & Be Damned Stringband" featuring Howlin' Lane Fernando!

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a new halloween picture : > featuring Lea and Becca

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And here's "Unicorn", featuring Sahara from ELEPHANTMEN.

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It has started! Holiday sale featuring original drawings, hand signed and matted. Until Dec 20th. http://t.co/UZ2IPGbC

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Finished + Added new posters for shows in england featuring

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Cheeky lil design featuring - Had fun with this one!

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The progress of Kirk Reinert's painting IDA, SLAVE TO LOVE, featuring IDA THE SPIDER

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here's a rough blocking for one of the shirts I hope to be putting out soon featuring my work

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Art for yet another game featuring coked up David Bowie

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架空のソルトフィールド社から発売される架空のメンズヘアカラー「featuring COLORZ」の新色「ゴールデンブロンド」のパッケージデザイン...まぁイラスト描いた後思いついた後付けなんだけど...。。

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A recent portfolio piece, featuring a disgruntled princess.

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Daily art Tweet: a little late today more pre-Avengers art featuring Captain America sketch cards.

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GUYS! thank you so much for featuring my Star Wars & Bunnies Paintings. The response has been amazing!

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Taschen have just published a gorgeous book featuring beautiful french C19th vegetable paintings http://t.co/wp4q2510

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A fashion illustration featuring preston sunglasses by our very own Sara Levit.

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