Burn it all down, Uldren. To hell with everything. Well this was certainly a fun doodle to pick up again and play around with.

3 16

At the people's request... The Little Prince...

33 198

I was asked if Uldren would be a good singer. Absolutely. Would he openly do it? No. But I couldn’t pass up the chance to play around with the idea. Also spent way too much time on his eyes. 👀

6 23

Queensbrother. Master of Crows. Father of the Scorned. Forsaken Prince of the Reef. Uldren Sov.

I’m... excited, fearful, and anxious about Forsaken.

3 37

Shading practice ✨✨ Gotta love them glowing eyes

0 7

I like this rendition better than the last. Prince Uldren Sov now sleeps with a crown of Starlight.

1 4

I’m new to twitter so here is one of my Uldren Sov fan arts

3 21

“If you hurl yourself away from someone to test the length of your chain, you cannot know the chain's length until it draws you short. Does that make sense? Uldren thinks so. Uldren is afraid so.” Today’s inktober, Day 10 the Reef.

11 39

It’s finally finished! I think it turned out decently enough. 😊

2 13

Oh look, more Uldren fan art.
I’m just waiting for him to come back into the story tbh... 👀

31 107

dont even try to stop me at this point I love them so much lmao

0 4

Uldren Sov in a suit. Because every ghost's crazy about a sharp-dressed Guardian.

22 101

happy dawning, everyone...

Please.... some kind Guardian. Please fix this. Fix my brittle heart. Give him some hot cocoa, and some frends.

88 435

Uldren art to take a break from work art. I miss drawing him...

17 58

💜 Prince Uldren and Pulled Pork 💜
Took me a while but I’m really proud of this.

167 897