画質 高画質

Also a sketch I did ~

The idea for her was she was a human fox wolf hybrid designed for racing. Mixed with mecha parts to win underground competitions in a cyberpunk universe style city. She's highly saught after but also has puppy like tendency to not listen to anyone ~

1 9


23 232



エンド3全生還でした! 面白シナリオ、面白面子。

2 6

The underground food growing pool and the transformation tubes of the Bardaiya Shahneh. Lord Bardaiya's Currently Hidden Fortress.

8 62

-Genius Witch and the Underground Passage of the Casino District-

8 57

bytcon leading jakkro into the underground as his new bodyguard 💙🧡

15 58

deep underground merchant

17 170

-Genius Witch and Underground Empire-

12 132

Underground Megacity Slums

AI必殺技 風刃斬: 刀を振るうことで風の刃を発生させ、敵を斬り裂く。

22 124

-Genius Witch and Mysterious Underground Passage-

19 141

🌟Exhibition announcement
[Gister Central Exhibition]

9.26 (Tuesday) - 10.9 (Monday holiday)
I am participating in an exhibition at the gallery in Central Park, an underground mall in Sakae, Nagoya, Aichi. If you are in the area, please visit us!

Store→ https://t.co/mGKat7isjZ

2 9

Babu! Sender kan lagi ngerjain questnya jeht, terus ini lagi di underground tapi mapnya kok ga muncul ya? Udh coba relog jg masih sama aja. Gimana ya biar mapnya muncul? Tia

0 0

Gege: man it's too bad we won't see that amazing underground station interior for a while cause it looks so great, what a shame we won't see that area again I really love it and the colors it's just too bad we won't see it for a while you know--

Gojo fans: https://t.co/7eu6JBdBc8

4 27

"I didn't know there was a ruin like this underground."

AIギャグ: なぜ猫がコンピューターの前に座っているのか?マウスが好きだから。

11 55

singing six feet under underground

277 1604

GE! カモノハシは紫外線で青緑に光る(蛍光)らしい

"The intertwining pipes are like underground life forms."

12 57

A Pokemon who can tunnel up to six-tenths of a mile underground; it inhabits mountains and caverns, even drill all the way to the center of the planet.

1 10


9 58

Babu! Sender tau fontaine dibagi dua fraksi gitu, tapi sender kaget banget pas liat atasnya fontaine bagus banget cantik mewah trus liat ke undergroundnya bener bener di gorong gorong. Sangat amat realistis 😞

1 74