Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Peak fiction

7 39

Finished utawarerumono: mask of truth✅ 10/10

Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Peak fiction

4 17

11 anos tardes mais…

Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction.

1 2

Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction

0 0

Feedback time!

Would this be an ok LP for a big building like this? I left the parts that I will vertex paint with high verts so it will look better, but since it's my first time doing building like this I would love some feedback!

126k verts, 248k tris

0 6

so hard to give this animal bones. every day I assign vertex groups

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0 10

Had an idea, inverting vertex colors could be used to control an alternate color mix into the model. This ended up working like a ambient light mix, very interesting.

0 4

Defaults are a bit strange, for some reason the unlit material kinda discards the texture of the model though at least the vertex colors load correctly. It also has a neat outline post-processing effect.

0 1

I love how vertex colors made my shoes look pretty!!! I will have to learn about baking this in a specific way to somewhat get this into VRM/VSFAvatar.

2 9

If anyone is confused, I am referring to Kiry being able to utilize the vertex colors marked on the model to make higher-quality shadows than painting shadows on the diffuse texture. AAAAAAAAAAA I GOT TO STUDY MORE!!!!!!!!

0 4

OH MY GOD, I LOVE 's 2.0 KIRY SHADER!!!! IT DOES AMAZING WITH VERTEX COLORS, SHADOW MAPS, AND ALL THAT STUFF!!! I must experiment more but I love the new settings!!! LOVE IT!!!

2 31

Another way to do these quick smear type viewport VFX is to use Maya's sweep mesh creator then apply vertex color and alpha to soften edges

46 234

Re-release de la figurine 1/6 Vertex【Figure series ELF VILLAGE】 de「4th Villager Priscilla Antenna Shop Limited Edition」.

※Art : Asanagi ().

※¥25,850 - 12/2022
※Alternative part, special base, A3 Tapestry & Post Card.


10 49

コースモード: 「folern」「初音ミクの激唱」「VERTeX」

2 1

Instead of making the wings with halo from scratch, I've just ripped them from original model, added more vertexes, edited UV map and used its texture with UV to paint from scratch new texture.

Rigged as well.

The writing on the wings is an existing language.

1 12

vertex groups are great, fuck actually weight painting forever (still need to do the skirt)

tested and the basic armature works with VRM stuff now, and I'm not 100x larger then all other models now

I do have to redo all blendshapes cause I redid the mouth, but it's okay!!

0 5

IMO they don't have the same charm as the og sprites + they're kinda overtextured lo

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