The final episodes of premiere tonight and I just wanna say: Congrats to the cast and crew for putting on a show that has lasted longer than I ever would have thought. Y’all had a great run and I hope y’all are proud of the hard work y’all achieved!

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Catching up on and A Simpler Life: Ayohuih Nemilitzli quickly became my new favorite episode. They even spoke Nahuatl, like, yo!! (Thank goodness I still have cable)

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"Baby Victor and Valentino" have FINALLY made their WattPad debut! Read all 25 ADORABLE "episodes" and witness the cute comedy! Link provided below!

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Looks like these troublemakers and prankers are the new owners of my arts and entertainment content.

Just kidding, April Fools! 😀😂

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I think I found Isabella as a doll in the Doll Island episode

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Victor from Victor and Valentino
Art Trade for Someone on Deviantart.

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Apparently, Coyolxauqui is mentioned during the Muerto Race. In Aztec lore, she's the Goddess of the Moon who tried to kill her mother Coatlicue, but was beheaded her brother Huitzilopochtli. The caption mentioned that she's "regaining" something. 😰 Not good.

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ay, qué bonito, hace rato que no lo veo
después lo miro otra vez

Lo que me recuerda que tan sólo vi como 3 capítulos de Victor y Valentino. Luego quizá vea más episodios

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Happy anniversary to the best team up in two dimmensions

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