You think Lorthos and Charix were child hood rivals, but Lorthos eventually left for revenge against his brother Vorthos who murdered all of their family, and Charix has spent ages trying to convince Lorthos to come back while growing stronger and eventually becoming the Hokage?

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Very quietly, The Art of Magic: The Gathering - War of the Spark by is out today. 👀👀👀

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Al hilo del crossover de Magic con D&D, sería la bomba poder devolver la vida a la tripulación del Vientoligero, para que se fueran de aventuras por Zendikar. Por aquello de que cuadran perfectamente con lo del grupo de Aventureros. 😍😍

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New Ep is live! We were incredibly excited to talk to Artist about his relationship between being an player and creative, and also the commercial vs artistic value of magic art.

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New Ep is live! The first of many Eps where we will talk about Flavour Alternatives to staples! We're having another growth spurt as a podcast as well so any shares, RT's and likes are majorly appreciated to keep this hype train going!

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Etched Monstrosity
There is no reason Steve Belledin had to go that art on that artwork. It is all things Phyrexian, full mirrodin stoyline moon vorthos, on a creature that people won't insta kill in commander

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Karn había realizado un juramento de no violencia, pero cuando todo se empezó a poner feo de verdad, rompió su palabra y le arrancó las extremidades a Tsabo...

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Los horrores que Ertai vio en la fortaleza de Volrath, le hicieron volverse uno más.

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¿Hay algún personaje fallecido dentro de la historia de Magic, que desearíais con toda vuestra alma que estuviese vivo?

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Los etergénitos exprimen la existencia al máximo, porque saben de su brevedad.

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La búsqueda de la perfección no es un camino de rosas y entraña sus peligros.

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We also have the themed basic lands from Smashing (power 4+) and Rogues (rogues)!

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Five goblins. One crown. Endless mayhem.

Say hello to Muxus, Goblin Grandee (and a Mountain)! They can be found in the Goblins theme packs for We also have lists and lands from the Smashing and Rogues themes!

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New Ep with is live! We talk about Alt Art, potential visual cues for future story (tin foil hat time!) and the artistic direction of MTG. It was a blast having Vorthos Mike on the show and you should check it out!

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