Green sea turtles grow up to 5 ft in length & can weigh over 700 lbs, making them the largest of the hardshell sea turtles.

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🐢 Happy 1 Leatherback Sea Turtle; 2 Hawksbill Sea Turtle; 3
South American Snake-necked Turtle; 4 Mata Mata; 5 Geometric Tortoise; 6 Galápagos Tortoise; 7 Snapping Turtle. Ernst Haeckel, Kunstformen der Natur (1904). Via :

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Happy 2018 Here's some le turt to celebrate. Please cherish these precious boys.

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The Gift

Happy This has a present for her friend...

Lowbrow Surreal Art + The original painting is sold, but prints & LE ACEO are available

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Happy Let's protect our world's and Painting of a toad-headed turtle by Michael Rothman from HERE IS THE TROPICAL RAIN FOREST.

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It's sharing a little snapping turtle love...

Resting, Mixed media on paper.

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wishing everyone a comfy and slow this message brought to you by your local sleepy turtle.

🎨: @/wisdom_t3a

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May 23rd is
Inspired by the Jelly Turtle bot from the Cookie Run discord server, I made an OC called Jelly Turtle Cookie for fun, and now she’s become part of my OC family so I draw her every year on this day XD
This is her humanized form, BTW!!

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For the past several years Friends has been working with , , and to help bring western pond turtles back to the Gorge. Happy

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Happy Here’s my fav species, the Pig-nosed Turtle. Want to see their adorable snorkel schnoz?! 🐽 💦 ⁣1/2

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Happy Good time to share some sneak previews of different upcoming papers on turtle evolution on which I am lead or senior author 🐢🤩 Wait for evolution, paleontology, and soft tissue anatomy content to drop later this year (or maybe the one after, who knows)

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