So, thats it:
cat-shelter, cat and their story — first chapter (pilot, i guess)

just look what we've done and let us know if you want more!

[we'll apreciate any reaction, just be getle😽]


20 81

¡Que tengas un hermoso y feliz cumpleaños linda! gracias por tu cálida amistad y por todo esos momentos de shippeo intenso😚. Un gran abrazo Lenita~☺️🌷🥳🥳🥳

26 104

설양성진 첨 그려봄…

430 1702

[46-я, не такое уж и какао, но все к тому идет]

— Как тебе это удалось? — спросил он устало с беспросветной тоской в голосе. — Как ты смог перестать ненавидеть себя за то, что не можешь ненавидеть его?..

4 26


83 424

xuexiao are literally the "talks a lot / listens" ship dynamic 😭

33 157

XXC: Are you ready to go to the market, Xiao You?

XY: Gimme a second, Daozhang, I'm almost done.~

64 257

Before I forget again.... and before I fell asleep. Not gonna lie I really love XXC from my roleplays out of cannon but still love it

1 5

Sleeping Beauty

76 254

I have a ton of things to do, but another on going drawin, in colour looks better I think. I really like the concept of XXC using these kind of clothes👁️

3 7


46 209