So yesterday, during 's DnD session we were all sucked into a toon world and I love doodling old Disney and Fleischer stuff. although if I were to animate this I would make much less spots.

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Today's warm-up is a random thing that happened in my campaign the other day with a new outfit that 's character Begonia wore. It says "I'm a Luxury... Few can afford"

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A commission for of his character in an outfit for Tartan day.

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Warm-up doodle from this morning. Was listening to nice Jazz music.

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its been a hot minute... time for art dumps...

daily drawing 41-44

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So requested me, and a few other people, to draw Animal Crossing Villager sonas/OCs. This was a fun little challenge of mixing my style with Animal Crossing's Style.

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I requested everyone to draw their characters in 's game in a dress, so I drew 's character Leon.

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My cat's birthday was on Friday. I wish she was here D':

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happy trip for a friend on discord

daily drawing

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of the layout for one of my shots I did on the animated short "The Ribbon."

This is over a year old, but I still wanted to participate in the trend :P

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Doodled Booker, I really liked 's design change. This is for 's Mario TTRPG thing we are planing.

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claws out.

daily drawing 29 & 30

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judgement day. they’re calling.

daily drawing

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I kind of forgot how to use twitter uhh

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This is a commission for . He wanted a character design of a Salamander Lizardfolk Cleric named Luxander "Xander."

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