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Premium Image of the Week - There is a mature looking dragon eying you across the bar... What do?
Hi-res and alternate images on the Patreon Discord (Features nsfw imagery Warning)
Support https://t.co/lyIZQXQLnd for more!

5 53

i want to affectionately punt it across a field

9 105

Ye i play ffxiv too back then but i took a hiatus cus i cant pay the sub (sobs) & i was pissed that the things i bought on main does not get shared across characters like ESO does

But i love my boyo Malq and i miss himmm😭🥺 i think some of yall alrdy met the doofus😆 https://t.co/APOLsYV8F1

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I'll be honest, I just accidently came across this event at Union Mall and staff told me to participate the event lol

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PK 404 - 9596 Making some art for an old concept of mine called TaBooks. It’s one of ideas where making character designs for is really fun. I have ideas for oneshots but I also decided to scatter this concept across the Krezniverse

1 22

Thank you for understand me too
I always like to look at contest submissions. But I often come across these kinds of images during my time on the web.

And this is some stolen Fa that i found.

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Next on Skunk-uary, we have Gawr Gura, wearing the dancewear that sparked me drawing any of her to begin with, coming across one of the Latex Skunks during a stream!

*Insert You Stinky Joke here* XD

12 40

accidentally came across this site and it has been my favorite site to scroll through for a while now

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Looking at the joy she exuded, his thumbs would instinctively run across her cheekbones, having him sigh to himself. If only he'd been there to stop this.

❝I... I'll be working you hard, Ritsuka.❞ https://t.co/kHWAxZUNyy

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18) Her colour variation concept art, I used to draw her with a scar across her eye but I'm very bad at remembering to draw scars so I decided against putting one in such a visible place
19) I still kinda like the blue/white variation but the version I landed on is my fav

1 39

Wow, Hyrule surprises me every day! 😯
Came across this enchanting deer today!
She's so adorable. Any fellow explorers ever come across one of these beauties? Thinking about adopting her! 💕😊

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What vibe is this expression giving off to yall bc I want it to be subtle but still come across well 🧍

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🍈で通販もやってます!(残念ながらポストカードはつきません)取り扱ってもらっているのが以下の2種になります。どうぞよろしく! 『千束とたきなの初デート記念日』https://t.co/n39HXcVdVi…『come across』https://t.co/H2ArSxfQIu

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『come across』https://t.co/sT8dSwRgk5

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The votes are in and across the 3 platforms I hosted polls on, the Shatseta won with 4 votes with the Oxatsetu in 2nd with 3 and the Tastseoxa with 2.

The Shatseta will become the conical hybrid of oxa and tastsetu. This will also inform me on rules for all oxa-furry hybrids.

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A spirit monster who flew across the snow-covered plains, leaving behind a sky-blue figure who called out to his comrades and marked his location.

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