I started a reread of Aftg aggggh I love this series

6 22

the chibi of Neil “I’m fine” Josten

1 2

Sketching jean Moreau from for my dear friend who bought me the books

0 0

this is andrew & neil going grocery shopping by my Favorite aftg artist pls check them out (https://t.co/KKbQy31hs5)

6 13

I'm done with this and my life, bye, I deseaced

14 22

Hi, Imma just leave this lill andreil piece here and move on w my life

49 96

Also, here. Have a grey sad Andreil (dunno what happened)

51 104

I did a thing. I love so much YuY, need to draw Neil next.

15 27

[aftg] ooh la love, ive fallen in love and it's better this time than ever before

103 129

win bc u dont know how to lose (ง'̀-'́)ง

16 27

[aftg] some zine pieces!!

72 117