Auralonian Pikachu - [Electric/Fighting]

This Pokemon is surprisingly weak, but they've learned to overcome that weakness by powering up their punches with bursts of electricity. Try not to get paralyzed!

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Auralonian Pichu - [Electric/Fighting]

Pichu is what happens when you let Bonzi teach a mouse to box. Now Pichu spend all day screaming at people until they find someone willing to be practiced on.

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Auralonian Duosion - [Psychic/Ghost]

After feasting on enough regret and negativity, a Solosis will evolve into Duosion. Now they hunger for a negative emotion that is much stronger: self-loathing.

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Come watch an interview with Alissa Giovanni! She's studying to be the next queen of the Preternatura region. Hopefully she'll be a great leader like her grandma!

Alissa's VA:

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Auralonian Garchomp - [Dragon/Water]

The strongest Garchomp hail from a heroine's companion: Hiagi. It's said a strong enough bond with a Garchomp will allow its strength to rival the gods themselves.

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Auralonian Gabite - [Dragon/Water]

Fierce and predatorial; They often deliberately wait in shallow waters to kill intruders. Beware them in the rain; They can become incredibly fast without notice.

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Auralonian Gible - [Dragon/Water]

Small, round and prone to tripping over their large tails. A Gible's favorite food is Auralonian Tirtouga. They often need to be leashed so they don't roll away.

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Come watch an interview with Mom & Momma! Twin Sisters who rule over Twin Summit. Did I mention they're both deities? You best behave!

Mom's VA:
Momma's VA:

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Auralonian Nidoqueen - [Poison/Electric]

Nidoqueen are excellent at pyrotechnics. They do so to attract Nidoking, who often won't give them the time of day unless Nidoqueen are loud and bombastic.

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Auralonian Nidoking - [Poison/Electric]

Nidoking love nothing more than loud music, firework displays and roaring crowds. Many have even learned to sing, though in reality it sounds more like humming.

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Auralonian Nidorina - [Poison/Electric]

Nidorina are smug and sly, and will often lie about nibbling on your shoes. Some say their sassy temperament it's due to the Roxy genes circulating their system.

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Auralonian Nidorino - [Poison/Electric]

They have a tendency to chew on electric cables, as copper wires are their favorite snack. Don't hug them too hard, or they might accidentally shock you.

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Auralonian Nidoran(Female) - [Poison/Electric]

They dislike being touched, but only because they want to keep their fur clean. They enjoy the water, if only because they can take constant baths.

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Auralonian Nidoran(Male) - [Poison/Electric]

Despite their expression, they like being held. Beware of their tooth, however; They like to bite, as it helps sooth the pain of existence.

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Auralonian Girafarig - [Normal/Dark]

Even more tyrannical than its Johtonian counterpart. Many believe its tail to be a crime lord. Stay out of the way of this rampaging creature, lest you be killed.

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Auralonian Carracosta - [Water/Steel]

According to legend, an ancient Carracosta supposedly killed several deities by itself. Modern Carracosta do their best to live up to the one named "Buckler".

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Auralonian Tirtouga - [Water/Steel]

Tirtouga are known for being stubborn. They're often prey for other Pokemon like Auralonian Gible. However, all Tirtouga house great power, if the trainer is patient.

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Auralonian Lycanroc - [Rock/Dark]

A proud and loyal creature. Lycanroc are known to put themselves between their trainer and whatever threatens them. They will always fight to the death.

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Auralonian Rockruff - [Rock/Dark]

Rockruff are known for being sneaky, devious and mischievous. They love to play pranks, but will always cry out if they're pranked instead.

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Auralonian Aegislash - [Steel/Fire]

Aegislash have mastered the art of combat in such a way that even trainers can wield this Pokemon as if it were a true sword and shield.

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