画質 高画質

gak ketemu Albedo berbulan-bulan seperti tidak BERNAFAS..... i Am Dying...... tolong..... sesek nafas.... mual.... muntah..... i cant live for months without seeing him........ i cant do this...... SESAK....... gak bisa napas....... tolongin.... tolong... TOLONG..... Babu!

35 95

And my Albedo of the third account-

0 0

new AU alert that I will barely touch cuz why not
Witch Klee and her familiar Albedo

666 3064

🍂🍁Autumn Albedo
CM for Gil

219 1089

i found more details on albedo's boots that I was drawing wrong as well as new ones too HSHDJSADS

i will never recover from it

I didn't know the black part?? Is in 2 layer? 2 different blacks?

6 243

Update my current plushie for
🌸Sold out Albedo , Klee , Yoimiya , Kaveh , Kokomi , Scara , Cyno , Yelan, Keqing , Xiao
🌸Limited slot 1-3 : Itto, Nilou,Childe, Sucrose, Baizhu, Dehya, Tighnari
The list still update more char after fes 💕

1 8

tehe! faruzan UI, albedo UGM, tighnari IPB, klee BSJ

144 1282

Overlord - Albedo
오버로드 - 알베도

28 233

//cegil babu!
hari ini rasanya sibuk skl dan aku rindu pacarku Albedo. serasa ingin menggebuk dadaku sambil berseru ke satu dunia “BUKAN HANYA GARUDA YANG ADA DI DADAKU.. TAPI NAMA ALBEDO KREIDEPRINZ PUN TERTULIS DI DALAMNYA” (BUGH) (lari ke pelukan albedo dgn hangat)

23 91


Gais xq kenal albedo drmn ya? Ada event mreka barengan sblmnya? Aku blm lama main jd g tau, ini official chibi birthday art ny seframe😭🙌

20 537