Here's a new landscape I'm working on. Something different for a change.

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Probably my favourite from the background I did for Twin Force's animation short. Do you like the style? Should I try it more?

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Here's the latest of in London. I wanted to show the rough and worn out soul of the room, with the giant Miss Haversham bed as the focus. Using brushes- wet pencil and conte2 mostly.

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To preparando um portfólio pra área de animação, e de bônus aproveitando para fazer uns concepts pra tentar tirar um projetinho da gaveta. Enquanto isso, fiquem com umas arvorezíneas dando um olar pra vocês🌳🍃

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Forest drawing I did that took forever. One day I’ll be good at drawing backgrounds. One day..

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a little preview of some of the senior film work me and are working on! some of my favorite backgrounds i worked on so far

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My colleagues from work proposed to do a weekly speed paint based on a theme. That’s mine for “winter” theme. Based on a photography I took while I was living in Finland.

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Background painting from 's animated feature “Fire and Ice,” with the characters and foreground painted on acetate overlays. We used in airbrushes for the fog.

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I was on "Scooby-Doo Guess Who" as a BG painter for 2 seasons and when Chris Bailey was like "do you want to paint in a Walt Peregoy style? - hell yeah did! Even got to paint the opening!

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some more early rough for the wall designs The prison was my absolute favorite to tackle.

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Early Shlorpian rough designs for The goal was to push the design to make the world feel as though it's one with nature but also leans heavily into totalitarianism. Art Nouveau meets 1984 is how I would describe it to the team.

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Some more Early Shlorpian rough designs to really get a feel of the city!

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Few more rough designs for Shlorp city and the panic zone! (I accidentally posted the clean version of the spaceport in my previous post le woops)

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as BG lead, one of the fun challenges on season 2 was to put together a style guide for the forest city which was simply nuts. Here are a few pages for any folks who are interested.

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Few early for the Wooden City for reading the script you're like "how the $#@%! are we going to do this."

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I hope everyone had a chance to check out Solar Opposites Christmas special! This was the last episode I did some predesigns for before jumping to a new project. Needless to say, the crew did an amazing job and a ton of hard work went into it!

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I realized I had a boat load more of work I haven't posted for season 2 when I was BG Lead - so why the heck not! - some pre-designs I did for Halks office and a Shlorpian factory

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