아이폰 14 프로 색상 고화질 이미지 (애플 보도자료 원본) 애플 이벤트

738 219

🍁❄️The Whitetresses❄️🍁

whitetresses weaves warm stories along with the snowflakes, so warm that even the kind bears preferred listening to the story to hibernation…

0.55 $ETH

0 2

This is how I see the new iPhone.

298 1029

Oh my freaking goddess is that Season 2? Like just like that??!!!?!! MADE MY FUCKING DAYYYYYYYYY

0 4

iPhone is getting like FIFA and NBA 2K at this point

0 1

These phones are expensive though but I promise you in a month’s time in Lagos it will be everywhere 😂

And we will keep asking the same question,

“where is this money coming from?”

9 55

New iPhone 14 Pro colors

718 4395

新型Apple Watchの情報まとめ👀

- 大きなデザイン変更なし
- 皮膚温センサー搭載
- 車衝突事故の検知(自動通報)
- 低電力モード対応(最大36h)
- 399ドル〜
- 9月16日発売

40 165



しかし!( ´ᾥ` )僕の信者魂が…


2 23


7 69

2022/09/08 午前2時!✨


6 52

Made a quick mockup of the leaked iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro color offerings!

80 761

With the release of today! Im releasing my latest in for everyone to download! Enjoy! Link in bio! 

8 44