
Well it finally happened, I’m being accused of using AI to make art. What makes this funny is that it happened to one of my works that I’ve posted the most process pics of, this sf6 Chun Li that took about 12hrs to make

(I switched apps so idk exact time)

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Venho humildemente apresentar meu quadrinho "Purpose", uma história de mistério, ação e fantasia sobre sonhos e pesadelos que começam a interferir com a realidade.

Tem disponível em vários apps e completamente de graça nos links a seguir:

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this is why you dont download desktop partner apps

4 15

drawing using "notes" has better results than using drawing apps

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Gut-Busting Comedy! Tear-Jerking Romance! High-Stakes Action! Catch our beautiful first season FREE on YouTube and all major podcast apps.

Visit https://t.co/Sz9BEv73vz for more info

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Contributor apps are officially CLOSED! 💚💚💚
Thank you all so much for applying!
Acceptance emails will go out on the 10th of April!
See you all soon!

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Hey i'll draw anything u want for rebex😜😘🤑🤑
Pls give me money. Buy my art.
I dont sell in money currency bc i dont have any cash apps😡😡

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Hej! 👋🏽

Q1 dump. I worked on more websites than apps this quarter. I want to work on more apps in Q2. It was an interesting ride. God is good.

I am available for full time, contract, and freelance work.

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Generating mini macOS apps with natural language!

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Hi, I'm Josh, I'm a product designer and digital illustrator, and I design user-centered products like websites and mobile apps.

I'm actively looking for work, if you know anyone that needs a designer, kindly point me in the right direction.

Portfolio: https://t.co/pM4NbCjAgc

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I have messaged you on every social media and you have ignored me on all platforms. You stole art and refuse to take it down regardless of the owner personally telling you not to repost on other apps and websites. You will be blocked and banned from disc.

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hi ! I'm Chelsea (also exchelsiorr on other apps) and im an illustrator, emote and sticker artist 🎨❤️

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Stay tuned! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this project!

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We also need to evaluate Tik Tok has value there are creators who do a better job than corporate media . All apps and social media have negative effects . Also the same information they gather off ticks tok could be accessed regardless. By banning it also we become like Iran .

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The most important apps on Miah's phone.

Art done by

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Technology has put the power to define beauty in hands of the people. Smartphones allow people greater control of their image& include apps that come with filters used for fun, appearance & entertainment



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Hi Ponse, have a great day❤️

FND / 0.1 $eth

My main purpose is to find harmony and balance in asymmetry and chaos.
I worked with three different apps to create this piece (one is vector based, others pixel based)

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I am a traditional/digital artist that is currently in college to become a vet technician and multimedia artist.
I usually prefer art trades for my artwork at the moment as I do not use paypal/any apps like it.
I usually draw my characters/furries

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I’m still trying to find ways to mesh my apps to create effects since Photoshop still refuses to take my card for payment, so was playing the other night. Mocked up cover for my current WIP and I’m quite pleased with it.

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It's the final countdown🎶!


Apps close at MIDNIGHT EST tonight!

Artist🎨: https://t.co/4nyK4bZzZn
Merch💎 : https://t.co/9XSN7girt4
Writer✍️ : https://t.co/9HS5qKHZtN

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