some Arei doodles,,, did you know they are in love?
beefy drow barbarian Ares belongs to , Rei is my changeling bard (who prefers a teensy sun elf form, but loves to be in his changeling form around Ares)

42 145

Fan-Art Saturday (3/3)
I would draw more characters but I'm too tired now OOF
Teruko from ~
Congrats on finishing the prologue, it's an amazing achievement! Go check it out, it has a great cast and it's really charming! Arei is my fave girl so far~

2 9

Hi I'm Arei! 🌙 aku biasanya gambar animeish art dengan pastel colour dan minimalis style ✨ Here's my art and let's supports each other! 🙆

11 27

Hai aku Arei! Aku biasa nggambar anime-style art dan pastel art! ✨✨

3 25

Aku mulai yak✨ Hello there! I'm Arei and I love anime-styled art with pastel colour! Here's some of my art 😄 Nice to meet you all! ✨✨

0 7

Makasih art treadnya kak ✨
Halo aku Arei! Aku biasanya nggambar ala anime-style dan lagi belajar eksplor warna hehe 😊✨

2 3

07: Do you ship your OCS

I haven't shipped my chars in a loooong time, but all of them are in pairs with
I mean, who doesn't create homerotic content with their best friends??

← Kane & Souba Jun & Arei →

2 1


Halo aku Arei! Aku suka nggambar dengan anime style dan cowok-cowok ganteng hehe. Salam kenal dan mari berteman 😊✨✨

1 11

Congrats for 1.4 and thanks for artshare nya Kak 💖✨✨

Haii aku Arei, aku sering-seringnya nggambar OC anime style dan demen sama dtiys temen hehe ✨ Salken semuanyaa

Tag time ✨ maap tagnya kaka hehe

2 5

Kenapa jadi kek uwuness overdose sih? HHHH [no no, I'm not a tsundere, definitely NOT]

2 8

Congrats for your 400+ ! Hope you like it 💖 💖

6 20

Kyknya yang punya Arei itu wibu kali ya, karena kepanjangan Arei adalah PT. Ayanami Rei Waifu Idola Persada

12 15

I wanna do the WoL Inspo thing but there are seriously only 2. And I’ll say Black Rose was forever my main inspiration of almost every version of the character Arei minus the very first one. Combine that with Ardyn and you’ve got a winner.

0 4

pacify her / she's getting on my nerves—

because imagining the godmother/godson confrontation scene for arei's fic keeps me awake at night,,

⚠️ cw: implied cheating ( i lov u bratty baby tony)

45 182

Thai Ghost Mythic Set

Class : Doll
Rank : Mythic
Price : 0.07/0.055/0.055 eth

Nara Thai Ghost was haunted by the horor and her friends Arei(#014) and Luna(#015) have to fight to save Nara.

27 22

Black Rose has been a heavy influence on my OC Arei since damn near the beginning. That’s approaching the 20 year mark now (yikes). It’s hard now to describe exactly how much she outwardly influences my WoL. I think the characteristics are still similar-

0 0


N ão
F arei
parT e desse lance erda do krl, q além de ser paia pra porra, é nocivo pra krl para o meio ambiente
Agora vejam minhas artes!!!

5 47