Por entonces se esperaba el estreno de 'Arrietty' y la esperanza de que Yonebayashi fuera un buen relevo para Miyazaki 🤔

Twitter apenas despegaba, Instagram ni existía, Netflix no había salido de EEUU… Ver películas de Ghibli era una odisea.

¿Qué hacíais vosotros en 2010? 😊

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arrietty screencap redraw

9 49

Arrietty (The Secret World of Arrietty)
San (Princess Mononoke)

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もののけ姫、カントリーロード、時には昔の話を、優しさに包まれたなら、ひこうき雲、Arrietty's song…

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【歌枠アーカイブ】2022/05/22 にライブ配信から  Arrietty's Song セシル・コルベル https://t.co/wzCa34zzZI より


セシル・コルベルの「Arrietty's Song」

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I’ve always wanted to try this OC insert! My bias is Arrietty as you can tell 😤

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daily jinkook sketch day 112
arrietty core

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drawing myself as arrietty 🍃🍂

anime redraw like this only costs ₱500 or $10 (full square size background) if u want one, just dm me! 🤍☁️

** circle border for instagram feed aesthetic purposes only

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Arrietty's Song/Umi Cover

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Violet Goes to the Beach x Arrietty the Borrower fan art

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a huge world to explore for a small "borrower" but there is also alot danger waiting outside of the own home.

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I have a playlist I justmade for THEM! lol
Ive just been listening to HTTYD and Arrietty for them a lot though!


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My art for The Borrowers is on buses in the Lake District and my friend woke me up with a voice note to tell me he’d been following one on his way to work 🚎 How cool!! it’s also on the theatre doors, which I must go and take a 📸 with (because Arrietty will be nearly my height!)

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Did a screencap redraw with an art friend and this is how it turned out💖✨

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