Muchas gracias por taggearme uwu ❤️
Así que aprovecho para taggear algunos artistas muy talentosos ❤️

6 12

Got tagged for by Sae and spent way too long thinking of what art to post and who to tag. 😂

Check out these cool dudes.

1 4

Thank you Kapo, here my latest stuff to continue with the
Recently I was working with 5 color palette sprites, I love how the sprites and the portraits look.

Keep up with the art train

7 27

I’ve been in a lull with art lately but here I am.

Check out these homies:

0 5

i never do trends but ~ Heres stuff ranging from last week to months ago! Tag 5 other artists.

and cmon show off

5 14

im pretty proud of my artwork ^^ !! im proud to have so many different methods and ways of going about every piece,,, it’s always fun 👉👈
i nominate for this lil 💖💖💖✨✨✨

6 23

Wow, I think this is the first time I was invited to join the so many thanks to <3

Here are my 4 current faves.

I tag:

24 99

Said I wouldn't be back for a couple months, but i'm making an exception for this tag. Here's some stuff i worked on in the background

The next kings who get to share their beautiful art with the world:

4 14

Most of this is over a year old, but i'm still pretty proud.

Rad (potential) Riders of this fictional locomotive:

6 28

Oke!! I'll join this ✨🚂!
Most of my art latley has been related to projects, so I had to dig a little to find art I made for funsies. I'll tag , , and !!

1 6

ok i drew one more piece of art before pushing this on because i am having kind of a style change rn. i nominate

3 20

If only I was more active with my art ;u;

Some neat people:

And wife:

2 10

Some older art I don't hate looking at :)

(pretty sure anyone I woulda tagged has already been tagged so im gonna be lazy and not tag anyone 🤪 but if you see this and wanna keep the train going qrt!!)

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