画質 高画質

This is a smartphone-sized wallpaper.
Patre〇n is giving away 5 characters in total.
Take a peek and see!


9 104

Nesia's smartphone was damaged.🐱

24 115

Chibi c🟡mmissioned work for 🥹💛💛 Thank you!! I had so much fun with this 😭💛 pls go follow them for their lovely work too !

2 17

One of these four was drawn using a smartphone. https://t.co/DWDH57kKou

327 2063


Made this in 21:9 for smartphone, because I wanted to put it on mine, do use it if you feel you like to, just don't reprint it.

123 770

My sl🟡ts are open!🌻 I'm also on VGEN (in bio) go check that out for more details 🐇✨

42 76

My Bnuuy 🐰💫🐝

Biyahe + Kuneho

Shes a traveling bunny!

33 142

CW // spoiler Manhwa (jaga2)

Latar cerita 🌌 itu ada di tahun berapa ya? Soalnya pas nyeritain masa lalu KDJ yang dibully, dia udh make smartphone. Tapi pas dia mempertanyakan ketampanannya, di flashback-nya dia masih pake ponsel flip.

14 243

the northernmost point.☺️
It cannot be viewed on a smartphone, so a PC is recommended.

0 3

Sh🍊p/ gform for con leftover is now open!

🇵🇭 PH Local Only
Available Merch - Nijisanji EN l Genshin Impact l Skip and Loafer l Kimetsu no Yaiba l
From Tote bags, Button Pins to Stickers & more!

Link for the gform & more info below 🔽

44 222

drawing my OC and friends OCs
I've been trying to bring back my desire to draw again.

4 12

I cannot escape the “Filipino artists love using warm colors in their art” allegations

31 198