Pawel Nolbert / HelloColor › Atypical

4 4

Give our students a hand...they made it!

0 2

Let it out! Soak it in! 8th grade has certainly let out some creative juices!

2 5

ลงทั้งเฟส ทั้งเพจ ลงในนี้ด้วยละกัน ฮาาา

22 25

I have just come across this artist. I love his work . Eric Jones wow the colors

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Kindergarten Teacher demo/student Time travel to dinosaurs Chalker Elementary

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AP student:what does broken glass LOOK like? Me:Don't know. Let's find out.

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Stoneware tripod cups and fiber integrated forms .

1 10

Only at the High will you run into a knight on the elevator.

3 10

Some clay pieces from VAComp. JewelryDishes,Vases,Monsters,burgers! Excited 2 see them all finished!

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Charcoal Subtractions (eraser drawing)

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Impressionism in Drawing Painting class. Student teacher led drawings, practice on actual photos.

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