✨Welcome to the Tabby Cat Inn, my name's Ayumi!
💜Watch me here: https://t.co/JpMXCmiOFn
💜My links: https://t.co/7NgquAcizR
💜Art tag:

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Queen Ayumi had an amazing debut today 👑✨
I made her outro screen!

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A cute drawing for for her birthday 💕 I hope you have an awesome birthday and thank you for being a wonderful friend and lovely big sister! ❤️❤️

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Did some practice tonight "Bunny "#AyumiFanart

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I recreated my drawing with my tablet, it’s my first time using digital art properly but I wanted to create something for one of my favourite creator/community!!!

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! Fanart for

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i had to draw Onee-san .. pretty and .... pretty , also shark teef onee-san good 💙🥺👉👈

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for 💖
i wanted to thank everyone who encouraged me and complimented my art. i was feeling so down about myself, so reading your kind messages really brought me up, thank you and love you GAMERS 💖💖💖

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