画質 高画質


302 1133


216 990

Today’s bandori ship of the day is Toukorui! (Touko x Rui!) even if they disagree sometimes they also respect each other lots!! also they are very silly together <3
(submitted by anon! thank you lots for the submission!! :) )
- 🌺

47 176

ハーモニー・デイ 2DMV

112 379

Welcome everyone to my first Sweet Pool Festival! a day full of fun with a free pool and cakes of all kinds at a good price, with the participation of your favorite Idols from "Pastel🍰Palletes" and more

BanG Dream! 1st Illustration Contest submission

1 6



175 679

hello i am riya/shelby i do art ! 🫶 i love raise a suilen and leo/need i also like to draw !! read carrd before following PLEASE and thank you 🤲

5 26

today's bandori headcanon is that kokoro learned spanish because she had a fan who only spoke spanish, and wanted to make them smile !!

90 560


276 1653