El artista de DC vs Vampires, Otto Schmidt nos comparte el nuevo traje que Stephanie Brown, Batgirl, usará en los próximos números de la serie.
¿Qué les parece?

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Terry McGinnis I love you so much I wish you were more popular 💜

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DC Animated Saturday! Cover Date November 2000 - Storylines: Deals - Commissioner Of Fear - The Challenge

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Portada variante de Stanley "Artgerm" Lau para Batman One Bad Day: Two-Face

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J. Scott Campbell nos presenta su portada variante para Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special.

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Neo Year has been published last week which gathered Gotham's best and brightest for Commissioner Barbara Gordon's retirement party!
W: ,
C: Yours Truly
Editor: David Wielgosz

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Preview de Batman Beyond: Neo-Year (Of 6) par , Collin Kelly, et Sebastian Cheng chez https://t.co/r9uUxEoi12

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let’s start once again. I’ve been following obviously and it’s hitting all the right notes. Loving and the series. And SGM’s is exciting in a new area as he keeps his universe rolling, but let’s get back to reading my backlog:

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had some of best visual gags, so good it was Oscar nominated in 1947; Fibber Fox was voiced by Daws Butler doing Shelley Berman—Google him; Willie Watt is good example of comic trope: nerds turned super villains.

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El sitio https://t.co/Wmp8mqioej, confirmó el rumor de que Warner Bros. esta produciendo una película en solitario de Poison Ivy.

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Revisiting an old idea. The one on the left was a batmanbeyond/ symbiote. I am turning the figure into a sexy demon

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Portadas variantes de Josh Burns para Poison Ivy exclusivas de Unknow Comics.

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