I forgot to put in this. Well is Alita from wow the manga is awesome

0 1

Badass in beautiful B&W. RT if it gives u wings? 😇

163 370

Okay I never played myself but damn those designs are gorgeous!

5 7

Left: Gunnm Vol 1, 1991.
Right: Gunnm: Mars Chronicle Vol 2, 2017.

I love how after 3 decades, that mono eyed living gun finally made it's appearance in the actual comic!

22 57

I'm avoiding watching the trailer. Have some art.

1 3

Aus aktuellem Hype: Alita ausm Manga, Ido aus dem Film (hoffe man erkennt so ein bissel Christoph Waltz ) alles in meinem stil XD

3 23

The only I asked for - Glory (from meets Glory (from Just a little comfort to try and get the creative ball rolling again in 2018.

34 90

Finally watched that live action trailer and holy crap do her pupils look too big for her eyes

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0 1

Drew some of - it was a HUGE influence for me, growing up!

5 11