. This says it all. The scam the Govt denies is happening

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Watching and tried to draw David Dimbleby.

4 17

This cartoon upsets David Cameron. Wouldn't it be a shame if thousands upon thousands of people saw it?

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I'm quite tempted to live draw buuuut I don't like anyone on the panel (except Caroline, she's cool).

9 21

I'll be saying non dom in sleep tonight thanks to

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Well done to this lady on who fucking hates Murdoch. RT if you agree.

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Doctor who was spectacular on was Dr Lauren Gavaghan - well done! Pity Dimbleby stopped you.

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is back tonight with a Labour leadership special 😱

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Nothing I can't do. Like laughing in the starving faces of the foodbank queues whilst paying £995 for a pair of trousers

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Tonight on for the Tories is Priti Patel. She voted to cut £30 a week from cancer sufferers. She uses your money to pay her husband.

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"A lie keeps growing & growing until it's as plain as the nose on your face." *ahem*...

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