
⭐️Store Opening Feb 1st⭐️

I hope you're ready because I'm not U-U. It'll be pre-orders mostly until I drop the leftovers I have sitting around! Here's some new charms that will be available (unpeeled sample on the right!)

39 251

Just gonna post this one as a still image here.

26 115


36 229

Ready (⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠つ⁠⊂⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)
Dolphie ❣️

13 79


16 50

I do kind of miss doing Beastars fanart may dabble back into it this year. Miss drawing the good ol kids these are some old 2020 pics ✨🌱🥹

3 14


11 92

It's strange, isn't it? Carnivores and herbivores should get along, yet their children are treated like freaks.

1 11

Oh I forgot to add this one of Juno from She is so much fun to draw!

3 14


14 111