The on "Discovery" program about the use of in biomedical science:

35 71

Special issue focused on Protein Science Tools:
Includes RCSB PDB: Sustaining a living digital data resource that enables breakthroughs in scientific research and biomedical education

19 22

1st year PhD student in biomedical engineering here, I draw a lot of shippy fanart

2 13

Hi!! I'm a medical student with a previous bachelors in biomedical science! I like doing fanart in my spare time

26 48

Hi! I'm Rei/Kro and I'm a final year biomedicine student going into medicine next year!

1 3

I'm Kouri-n, and I'm working on my BS in Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech! I love drawing when I have free time 😀

11 25

Dystopian transhumanists collage narratives of & biomedical devices, from originals XVIII & XIX C, by a guy from

6 12

Hi I'm Firefly!
I'm a Biomedical Engineer, but I freelance in the arts! I excel at networking and project management.

7 19

Hey I'm an artist, biomedical illustrator, graphic designer & more! I like it spooky. ✨

31 82

Some cool projects + at the SUBJECTS of NATURE exhibition at the Lab . cc

4 17

'Brainscapes, Mind Masks and States of Mind' - wonderful by Karen Ingham

3 4

Shahmen's alter-ego Radha La Bia draws on interior design, biomedicine and cooking and to explore race & gender

2 3

~1 out of every 25 biomedical papers contains inappropriately duplicated images

0 2

A conversation between a lymphocyte and a dendritic cell

5 16

Some biomedical illustrations from my first website ... launched in 1998.

5 4