I got a new bird and he is basically a living alarm clock.

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We the Byrds have received a nice hat. 🎩🦅
Erika is free to go and the Twitter Account has been handed back to Wegi.

Have a good day.

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Corona-bird finds social distancing hard for the feathered...Except on chili night.

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🍁Happy New Year to you all. Momma Cardinal wishes you https://t.co/6hUCjFHlZY. She loves to sit in our lilac tree by the back door.

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Drawing some weird looking birds as people. Here's a flamingo... mob boss?

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Red Kite Before The Storm - pretty apt considering the weather we’ve been having in Wales recently!

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Utterly inspired by new (to me) artist, Rosemary Beaton. Hence the splodgy colourfullness of this morning's sketches

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