
I'm goin to bed, wake me up when this comes out.

0 4


115 395

BnA Alter Museumの「Fwd:Good Night Image」。絵画。田中良太と大﨑土夢の2人展。どちらも1980年代前半生まれで、田中は多摩美術大学出身、大﨑は宝塚造形芸術大学出身。ホテルの1階と2階が会場で、作品数は17点。https://t.co/68AXU4SGuf

6 14

Finally got around to that furry Lotte thing from BNA.

PNG: https://t.co/s8fUeqyMyi

36 103



You will see the work that I draw in my spare time immediately. When I do finish and other art works that are not posted elsewhere
Here https://t.co/Uvb927ketK

6 30

Only a couple of weeks left till BNA! 🏀✨

84 387

2 かぐや様は告らせたい?
3 かくしごと
4 キングダム(3期)
5 アルテ
6 本好きの下克上(2期)
7 天晴爛漫!
8 波よ聞いてくれ
9 やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。完
10 フルーツバスケット 2nd season


9 54

💥 💥

Se han revelado nuevas Imágenes Promocionales para el Original “BNA” (Brand New Animal) del estudio de animación “Studio Trigger”. 😊

Se estrenará el 8 de Abril del 2020. 😉

6 19

Newtype4月号 読み応えあった


0 0

I hope y'all are ready for 100+ thirst tweets about this wolf dude when BNA comes out because we all know it's coming

1 1

BNA theory time: I don't think Alan will be that much of a villain despite appearances, I think he'll be kind of the anti-Kray - a mini-villain early on but maybe later even an ally in the fight against the real enemy (probably, the people in charge who persecute beast people)

4 60

I am so looking forward to BNA in April, so be prepared for me to spam it in between Ichi month stuff. LOOK AT THIS IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!!! 2020 truly is the year of furry content💜😻💚😤💙

0 6


521 1454


391 1334

Are you ready? -- Michiru from Brand New Animal!

166 647