Joining the shirt-less club 👁👁
Really proud of this one!

13 53

Here are two nice main characters from anime "Brand new animal" that was made by great studio Trigger :)

16 66

Jump with them all and move it
Jump back and forth
It feels like you were there yourself, work it out

17 104

A. Marathon. I just ran a marathon cause I felt like, if I didn't draw him today, I wouldn't be able to sleep 😂 Veeery quick drawing, last for the day daaaaamn 🌸✨

8 15

Last but not least.
I don’t draw fanart super often but he’s super handsome 😳

4 30

I just finished a about well, about Michiru.
I recently started watching the series in netflix.

1 4


So yeah hi I've been meaning to draw BNA fanart since I watched it, and I finally did it, and I recorded it too!

Speedpaint -

40 96

I watched BNA in 2 weeks ago. A Michiru's fur colour is diferent because this is an attempt to follow color theory.

1 3

Michiru watching her little paws❤️✨ she's so pretty. Is my wifee🤧❤️❤️💕
I tried out to coloring different

26 84