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I'm running on a tight schedule so this is all I could get done for my mini moomin valley joke but uh yeah big dio sat on a dresser sulking is very cute methinks

32 271

Brand New Fieldここ好き写経とチャオ⭐︎乾杯🥂

11 35


Hello brand new world

403 1157

"Do you remember how many breads have you eaten in your life?"

59 264

Nietzsche: "When you gaze into Dio, Dio also gazes into you."🧐
尼采: 「當你凝視著迪奧時,迪奧也在凝視著你。」🧐

28 166

My anniversary stream is in 2 days!!🤯

Letter submission is still open! I would love to read more from you guys on the stream later!💌

Don't forget to tune in this Thursday at 9 PM for all brand new things too!✨

Letter link: https://t.co/fDviLzxrLd

38 89

You are my greatest treasure and my heaviest burden.
Lord, I have too much to lose.

159 823

Poor old man looses his perception of scale after his two beloved sons grow into trees (and keep getting taller) 💔😔

92 545