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The fact that FMA Brotherhood can be heart-wrenching and still have moments like this is why it is so freaking great.

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Firenze girl. 2011 painting. Inspired by brotherhood.

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[FANART] GD and DLITE at Japan, Osaka cute!^_^ (by weeisme)

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Just two best friends having a good time. Fox and Falco and the rest of the SF team are the embodiment of brotherhood

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“Si tienes dos piernas, ¡levántate, no necesitas depender de nadie!” ~Edward Elric~ [FMA Brotherhood]

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C215 “Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood» Upcoming Exhibition at - http://t.co/usPj5W8wbT

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: 132) Tweet a pic of the last anime you watched!” FMA: Brotherhood, soooo good! :')

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People have already waited long enough. Who will defend Paris?
Arno Dorian and Brotherhood

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Join the Brotherhood & fight to save Paris from Templars while donning our Arno hoodie! >> http://t.co/PEu4tS2rzq

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We would like to help you, we are brotherhood

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Check out these interpretations of Shao Jun. Join the Brotherhood with the necklace she dons! http://t.co/hu4JSk5vUb

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