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i might be missing out on ping lore but the recent quest mentioned different names for the master and the founder of the guhua clan! and it was formerly known as the guhua brotherhood, there is no blood relation needed here as it is a martial arts society of some sort

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biggest villain in FMA brotherhood

17 103

[ fmab royai ]
recently watched this fresh hot new anime called fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood for the first time and i absolutely loved it! and also these two made me deeply unwell (positive)

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Watching Fma brotherhood again..

41 173

thinking… what if lbd tried to leave the brotherhood because their ideals were too “passive” and macaque was srsly worried for her and TOLD HER “in the future ur gonna be imprisoned if you go this route” AND THATS WHY LBD KNEW SHED BE IMPRISONED AND THAT WHY SHE GAVE HIM THE KEY

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Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

83 579

getting an is genius since the OG comicbook was actually printed in black & white just like a If the rumors that this anime it's going to be a more faithful adaptation of the comicbook are true you could say it's getting the treatment! https://t.co/Gp5Mcw1asc

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[full metal alchemist] ed
just started watching fma brotherhood and i love ed

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✨Collab Unit Ed, the Fullmetal Alchemist✨

I—no, we—can't stand still...


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Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

59 409

i wanna start tweeting about my fav issues of the week. this week it was storm and the brotherhood of mutants! i had been iffy on SOS but the way ewing utilized all of these characters was so interesting

3 29

J'ai rarement parlé de FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood alors que c'est mon top 2 animé.

Une œuvre qui allie références historiques, scénario et écriture maîtrisés du début à la fin, et messages très importants et symboliques.

Tout simplement un chef d'œuvre !

40 191

I don’t know if it was intentional but the cover to this week’s Storm & the Brotherhood reminded me of the ‘Sibyl Agrippina’ by Jan van den Hoecke.

This 1630s painting depicts an Oracle from Thebes, one of 12, who foretold Jesus’ arrival & death, with a whip and crown in hand.

28 161

I´ve had a major art block for weeks now. I don´t know how to draw anymore.
I tried to draw my and find my inspiration.

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