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The world, indeed, is like a dream and the treasures of the world are an alluring Like the apparent distances in a picture, things have no reality in themselves, but they are like heat haze.

0 1

Buda tomando mate 🧉*´ސު`* mientras espero el próximo capítulo del manga

4 20

The three jewels: the enlightened nature that exists within you now; the body of teachings that can help you reveal it; the community of practitioners walking with you.

Follow me on Insta: …

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This is one of my absolute favorite parts of Buddha's backstory and I can't wait to see it finally animated!🪷
I think I'll cry a lot again.🥲

2 16

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.



🎨 Lord Frederic Leighton

11 19

If you let cloudy water settle,
it will become clear.
If you let your upset mind settle,
your course will also become clear.

_🖋️ The Buddha

203 359

"Per quante sante parole tu possa leggere, per quante parole tu possa dire, a cosa possono servire se poi non agisci di conseguenza?"


7 11

She's been hand-picked by the Buddha...

Shawn learns about her destiny in this Heaven's Equal update! Holy moly it's been so many pages. Read the whole comic in the thread!

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{nishikino maki}, Big Buddha , Shakyamuni statuesutras are the Lotus Sutra

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{Darth Vader}, Big Buddha , Shakyamuni statuesutras are the Lotus Sutra

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Este fue el primer chibi en que hice en 2020 cuando estaba buscando mi propio estilo y fue dedicado a uno de mis personajes favoritos: Buddha porque es adorable y lo adoro.

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The Art Institute of Chicago knows about this photograph from 1970 of its Buddha sculpture embedded in the wall of a shrine in Nepal. It knows Nepal prohibited the export of such antiquities in 1956. And yet it's still working on whether to repatriate it...

34 158

Clown Quote of The Day # 36

“Sometimes things that hurt you most, teach you the greatest lesson in life.”

11 24