If this thing were to actually exist in movie form though, I would have it be like this maybe?
Idk, some more detail in it but not too much. I've always imagined the suit to have that 'Man of Steel'/'BvS' Superman suit texture to it.

7 212

the BvS promo pics went so fucking hard

62 507

The homage visually continues for some seconds. Even we see Doomsday punching Superman in the direction back to Earth in close to how he’s kicked by Doomsday in this sequence from the comic.

6 32

Had another go at designing my own Batman- and making it much simpler than the last one(!)

BvS/N52/Noël were the main inspirations... Maybe WW next? 🤔

4 11

Frfr 💯😼 The Goated BvS clears

0 2

The Paperback for Dark Desire, the fab new by is available now! Get your copy & your fill of dark here! https://t.co/jRoTJGvb9D

50 28

Both are great but BvS is still the best DCEU Movie imo

13 96

It's funny how after BvS came out the Knightmare Batman fit inspired artists to feature it in comics but no one shits on it here.

87 559


30 108

ドbvs弟 フィジカルの強さに雲泥の差がありそうで良い~~~~良い… ドbは最初から手加減してます

35 242


35 212

Join us for the dark & delicious pre release party of the new Dark Desire in the FB group Virginia's Rockstars of Random Literature on 28 August 1-9 pm EST! https://t.co/lMmBtdxZfd Games, interviews &

59 37

I don't mean to imply there's anything wrong with lifting dialogue, Snyder and Terrio did it too, there's lines and lines from All Star Superman, Dark Knight Returns, and Birthright in Man of Steel and BvS. It's just a bit much sometimes.

7 15

Bloggers and Man of Steel/BvS/#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague Haters in a nutshell. (this is literally MovieBob lol)

44 193

Every frame in BvS is like a painting. Just beautiful

133 1049

Don't worry, WB made PLENTY of money off of BvS.😂🤣 What you really wanted to tweet, is that a World's Finest movie would've been a more enjoyable premise for you. https://t.co/oFlBOTD3Ez

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