Snyder and Terrio's the only hope from the first time they showed Bruce and Diana together in BvS I had hope. Unwavering hope because even if Snyder's plan didn't have it at first Terrio would help guide the story to the logical WWxB conclusion

0 1

Zack Snyder influenced comic books

Batman: The Devastator(2017) BvS(2016)

192 1359

BvS still one of the WORTS movie I've ever seen. I saw the "ultimate" edition but it didn't repair anything in the movie:
-There are fillers scenes in the movie
-Batman is an hypocrite and didn't have any develop
-Superman's Death was the worst part of it.
Marvel did better with:

1 1

These are probably my favorite live action Batman looks so far. Battinson is my current favorite, but I love the comicy clunkiness of BvS' mech suit and and the '89 basis of Begins.

6 34

This moment in Batman: Damned immediately made me think of Ben Affleck’s Batman staring at his cowl in BvS.
Absolutely gorgeous, haunting art by Lee Bermejo.

8 46


0 1

In BvS, we see in Bruce's dream, a stained glass painting of St. Michael, however, it is different from the original painting. We instead see a long cape and buildings, symbolizing Superman. St. Michael is considered to be the pre-incarnate Christ, so perhaps (1/?)

37 187

Best Journalist & Mom.
Animated Amy Adams Lois Lane (test)
Need Cavill & her back. Please

11 28

Ya ever wonder what Joker would look like with a beard? Yea, me neither, but I got this commission to draw a bearded this is what happened, and ya know what? Looks pretty cool if I do say so myself!

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0 3

Concept art of Lois Lane in BvS:
Art of the Film book. ❤️🌎

9 62

Ok, I gotta admit. I jumped on the bandwagon of hating on this movie at the time (I thought it was funny), but 4 years & many formulaic,generic, safe superhero movies later, I finally started to appreciate BvS of how it stands out among most of them in terms of style.

7 20

Jamás volveré a decir que es la mejor película del género de superhéroes, pues esta sinceramente juega en otra liga.

La mejor es la eso si.

4 11


0 2

Oh! For X I can say he's does switch up styles from time to time, but he does include a LOT of acrobatics and his warping abilities in his fighting.
References include:


Honorable mention:
(considering that bvs fight)

1 5

I’m still torn with Condor Flats becoming Grizzly Peak. I’m so intrigued by the Studios efforts during WW2 that I think as an expanded story from 1930s BVS, there would be an amazing story to tell there of the 1940’s Greatest Generation.

1 17

How do you fuck up a design so much...

1 6


5 33

Burton verse Batman art commission 💟
client's idea was an old, very violent, broken Keaton Batman (kinda like Batfleck's character arc from BvS)

14 38