画質 高画質

T- tolong..... mau lanjutin harus reduce canvas dulu...... art!

0 3

Either a colored corresponding background or just grey canvas. https://t.co/RGrKOxndHe

3 9

oil on canvas(727×606mm)

1062 5337

illustration for coni’s birthday merch!

90 672

Thank you for the commission! ✨
(this is not Snuffy.)

(Also I'll deliver Days 3, 4, 5 and 6 in one art canvas lol)

12 60

art! too late to fix canvas size and ratio…… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3 114

Art! Sender udah lama gak gambar
Hari ini akhirnya gambar lagi yeay~
Tapi nyesek banget, soalnya lupa atur ukuran canvasnya
Masa cuma 400x500, baru nyadar pas udah jadi. Tetep burem meski udah ku gedein hmmm

0 61

> はーちゃんの為にお弁当作ってきたちとせちゃんと、絆創膏だらけの手を見て複雑な気持ちになるはーちゃん…が見たいです https://t.co/Sc9AZ1acZQ


218 733

Spica! Congratulations on 10,000 subscriber numbers!💭💗
Streaming your debut was so cute!🥰
And congratulations on your second video too, with 100,000 views!🎉🎉🎉

16 79



11 41


Acrylic on Canvas 727×606mm

21 98

Flipped canvas + how do i get better at greyscale (wip - need to fix some stuff)

29 924

I actually painted his character on canvas in acrylic. I want to draw it again sometime.✨🖌🎨 https://t.co/xfgyEijuSQ

4 60

デレ56「8bit canvas」
自分は多分欠席ですが代理にひよこ曹長さん( )が居ます!

40 72

I have resumed skeb! I've decided to draw vertical pictures as well, so if it suits your fancy, please let me know when you place your order! (If you don't give me any instructions, I will draw only a face by square canvas) https://t.co/xipNkQpI7k

5 32

When you flip the canvas and everything looks off

493 5193

にちかと美琴さんと“CANVAS”07 ジャケット撮影

624 3065

Pandreo doodle. resizing the canvas in csp is much easier than in sai since you can actually see how its gonna look, i like that

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