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Versão alternativa da minha OC no estilo cartoon.

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I can go both anime and cartoon, but i prefer cartoon.

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. 『シャチ 忍者 サイボーグ カートゥーン』
(Orca, ninja, cyborg, cartoon.)

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Social media cartoon.

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Posted a new ~spicy~ adjacent piece for my $10 tier Patr0ns (https://t.co/GXvdeucukS) along with some in progress stuff and a silly cartoon.

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Leopards on the loose injure Police at Nyayo... cartoon.

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I've been wondering how I can incorporate these two into something fun.
Nilly and Tiff just both look like they'd belong to the same comic/cartoon.

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should actually make a Justice Warriors cartoon.
Funniest shit I read in 2022.

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I remember Tozuka talked about Tom and Jerry on JF 2022, said that UU was somehow inspired by that cartoon.
Tom is a blue cat, but sometimes he has grey fur, right?

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Os resultados variam bastante, mesmo sendo de uma mesma pessoa.

Álbuns eu tento deixar com essas linhas mais pontiaguda, pra dar um aspecto Cartoon. Outros vou mais a risca da foto

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It was a visually cool thing. It looked like the ice was floating out into nothing. The sky and ocean were one. I've wanted to use that in a cartoon. I don't know what exactly.

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Bom dia! Podem me chamar de Chroma! Eu faço artes voltadas pro um estilo anime/cartoon. Eu faço ocs fofinhas com uma backstory traumática e tenho uma quantidade imensa de conteúdo pra te mostrar!

Pra mais artes da minha chifrudinha favorita me sigam!

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If you plan to grow a beard in Korea, refer to this cartoon.🙃👍

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Funny Andrew that gets cut off in the final cartoon.

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Hi! I'm Svetlana🤗
I am a 1/1 artist,and I also have pfp-collection💜
I draw in the following styles: semi-realism,oil and cartoon. I add elements of nature to my works, believing that there is nothing more beautiful than nature itself🍀

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Rasheed, Muhammad. "A Fake Hero to Fake Save Us from Real Systemic Racism." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 18 Jan 2022. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color. <https://t.co/erXfc6Gqig>

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