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Scene redraw 😍

101 507

i mean probably modern cultivation wangxian (or hs au?) but if we want to go further back into my fandom history there was also this catradora comic that got like 13k notes on tumblr https://t.co/E9NhKPQXf7

22 160

o meu foi as catradora de bela e a fera que foi um hit no fandom naquela época https://t.co/cxUyeSvjba

5 36

Just a doodle,,,haven't drawn anything in a bit but I recently rewatched She-ra,,I miss these two

14 70

Vas y chingas a tu madre Catra mi nena no merecía que la trataran tan mal
Dio todo lo que pudo y lo único que recibió fue el trato mierdero de esta a quien le perdonaron todo al final pq es novia de la prota
Te amo Escorpia el mundo x ti

0 1

This is probably my favorite scene in Save The Cat, Adora’s desperate and terrified chuckle, literal seconds of hope before Catra fell.

265 1298

Catradora epic scene redraw 🌟 alguien sabe como superar esta serie?? :)))

105 445

Ever wonder how moments like these would have been different if Catra had been there too? Especially the "Maybe your best isn't good enough" scene. Just me? 🥲

10 142

LRT, guns tw//

A water pistol! Thank you, Catra! ...it looks just like the real thing...

0 15

Gm amazing fam 🪄

My first ever purchase on Objkt :

- Meowbert Einstein & Cleocatra by

- Come Together by


2 8


606 3065

I don't often draw human Catra, but sometimes a fic is so good I just cant help it ~

14 185

spent so long on this cotton candy looking background 😮‍💨

120 590