короче малыш Клаус вырос женился завел кучу детей устроил революцию отпиздил того дядьку педофила и вообще зажил счастливо в своём замке 👺 я всё сказала

2 30

A childless parent and a parentless child chill together in an overgrown apocalypse with a funky fetus

recently replayed both Death Stranding and Horizon Zero dawn back to back since i got them on pc. really love them both.

4 47

Other is a magical creature that came to life one day through special thread, used to weave a doll by a childless widow. She’s the most perfect daughter a mother could ask for! She eventually gets stolen into the Other World, where she becomes trapped by two evil beings https://t.co/blssX4bLZY

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Cheers to being 40. Single. Childless. Renting. Retail. Not exactly where I wanted to be when I was 40. Think I’ll start lying about my age 😂

0 1

The Tongue-Cut Sparrow is a Japanese tale of a childless old couple. The man was kind & loved his pet Sparrow. However his wife was mean & hated the Sparrow! One day she cut the bird’s tongue out after the Sparrow mistakenly ate her starch!
🖼Katsushika Hokusai

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Hey is this another "selfish" childless man caring for animals?

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Momotarō was born from a giant peach, found floating down a river by a childless woman washing clothes. She & her husband discovered him while trying to open the peach to eat it, which prompted the child to explain he'd been bestowed by the gods to be their son.

20 79

about a dozen notable saints who had pets and no children. St Anthony had a pet pig!

Also notably childless in Catholic history: the Pope, Jesus Christ. https://t.co/tmoXNhl8aV

410 2203

чето пока прохождение смотрела захотелось зафанартить девчулю

довольно грустная игра =(

2 59

так не хочется видеть его грустным :с

3 48

MILF is a vibe. Wake up gamers you don't need kids to become the MILF of ur dreams! Childless MILFS rise up!!!! Uwu ✨👉👈

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Cat Lady

◀️ How they tell you it’s going


▶️ How it’s actually going…

4 34


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1. Momotarō was born from a giant peach, which was found floating down a river by an old, childless woman who was washing clothes there.

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Im not Childless anymore aaaaa😭🙏 and I have Sayu too omg yey https://t.co/ZAB6TCL4L7

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(*) We'll leave the pure hotheadedness to Mr.Quartz! But we'll make Cpt.Skyburner the more...volatile one.
Like if you said: "Your mom's a whore."

Quartz would say: "How'd you know? You into older ladies?"
Skyburner would say: [Weapon drawn] "And yours is about to be childless."

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Hallo hallo I'm childless ;0;
I did make a price sheet but I'm pretty embarrassed about it. Can I dm you my one showcase model I made for a friend? :0

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