For April fool's day Caden would probably play the classic swap out the salt shaker with sugar.

Amelie probably wouldn't even realize it was a prank and just think she messed up the recipe again. 😬

(#ComicGab day 1 for my upcoming comic, Kindred Not)

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the aesthetic of my comic ? A sort of bloody vampire Patrick Nagel

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Day 3 of

'What aesthetics inspire your comic'

Pretty much anything that is stylized and brightly-colored with some inspo from early 90-2000's toons/anime. Something akin to retro stuff. Also huge bonus for me if there's some sci-fi/urban elements.

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day 4
Funniest character?

💚Aaron is the jokester of the group. He's super friendly and flirty with everyone, and a bit of a himbo, but he's 100% loyal to his friends

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Prompt Day 4: Funniest Character🐞
Nasrin is definitely the most jovial. She has a mischievous streak and LOVES pulling pranks on others, as we'll see later. Her friend Hulya also enjoys a good prank, and her sassy attitude does make for comedic moments.

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day 4

'Funniest character'

Depends on what's humorous to the viewer. Ariel is dorky and kind of the comic relief right now. Deltra, on the other hand, will vocally stab you and make smartass comments.

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4 - funniest character is SHADOW! I use humour quite liberally haha, and Yana has some excellent lines. Shadow is definitely a little clown though!!! SWEET BABY!

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Day 1 Edwin might be good at puzzles but he’s not very… hand smart.

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Day 5 I love drawing setting! “Valentine” takes place on the island of Norbury, which mostly has very tall buildings and cottages.

Here’s a couple pics!

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