【Commission I ordered】
“Now,I taste love.”
I really wanna share my inspirations, and I will post another post to talk about it.( ˘ω˘ )

42 131


41 203

【Commission I ordered】
´・ᴗ・` Inspired by the Sandman comic cover.

148 490


9 32

🐱 Cori: *poke, poke, poke*
Morph: Keep doing that and you will be unmade

12 37

【Commission I ordered】

160 469

【Commission I ordered】

36 97

Day 7: Morpheus’s ruby

Leetle Cori, protector of the ruby 💛

I know it is the last day, but I have 3 more prompts to post in the future 😆👍 https://t.co/mDSvMyXVCW

17 69

Cori simply wants Meowpheus to be honest about himself while the effect still last 😸💕

Day 6 of
Truth serum

(reposted coz I almost forgot the most important part.. 😿)

18 51

Day 5
Morpheus' quarters

bedtime story

74 278

Day 5: Ribbons/Lace + Fluff

I love the idea of Dream in ribbons and blouses 🤭💛

*runs to the next prompt of today*

33 147

Day 5 - Fluff
Just boys being parents to my OC Mahr, a little cute nightmare baby with teeth eyes like one of his parents. They're precious.

15 32