Another CotW drawing~! One day I won't wait til the last day. =)

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The final CotW for "Season One" - Smoking Mirrors the Tabaxi!

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Here's the first CotW of Season 2! 's Clefairy- Ziggy!

Clefairy Clefairy! < < > < ^ v ^ v

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I got pulled into doing CotW for season two, and I almost didn't finish in time for the first week, but I got it done. I actually managed to be productive, it's a miracle. Anyway, here's 's character, Ziggy!

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CotW S2 Shale

Once more I find myself close to not making the deadline for the week, (damn you procrastination!), but I did it! Shale is 's character! He makes the best lemonade in town, take his word for it.

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Another CotW. The one before was a pencil doodle (that I plan to do a digital of later when I'm able)! This one is 's character, Shale. They own a lemonade stand apparently.

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Okay- here's the second raffle! Simple rules:
- Must be following
- Retweet to enter
- Winner gets one CotW style drawing (full body / colors)
- If you have a pet give them a pet or treat
- I might add a second winner. Not sure yet.


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Someone needed a new character to put into the CotW pool... so I may have helped with the design. We needed more dragons. Had a bunch of fun with this guy's colors. Pardon the wonky anatomy. I'm rusty with noodles... and dragons in general.

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Another CotW, this one belonging to Chakra!

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Taking over COTW Radio tomorrow Let there be house 👹1PM PST / 10PM CET

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CotW - Another Pikachu!

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CotW - Igar! I know absolutely nothing about this guy but hey- he's fun to draw!

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I decided to not procrastinate and do CotW on day one! I have no idea what I'll be panicking over on Wednesday but I'm sure I'll find something. Enjoy a good Chatot~!

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One last CotW for 2020- we're on break next week!

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CotW - Drawing people isn't my strong suit... but I tried!

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Prize will be full body drawing of one of your chars (or whatever char you want me to draw) in a slightly nicer version of the style I use for CotW drawings. Here's the prizes from the last raffle for example:

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100+ Followers Raffle for everyone!

- Retweet this post to enter
- Must be following

I'll pick 1-2 winners. Prizes will be a full body request in a slightly nicer version of the style that I use for CotW drawings. Deadline to enter is January 30th. Examples attached:

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CotW - Kay. A good friend that belongs to !

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