bobs murder coverup plan bc i cant stop thinking about that video

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Wear Blue day is in 10 days. Still WIP but the information is important enough to post as drafts
still free
goers still allowed in public

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[RG911Team] The right choice is simple. Why do they make it seem so hard?

17 74

He's a punstar with a warm heart and talkative positive attitude who uses a lot of wonky humor as a coverup and coping mechanism while vibrating all over the place. He just wants people to be happy.

[this artwork is by @/jaradraws the other ones in the previous post are from me]

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Chuck Schumer demanded that Fox News silence Tucker Carlson. This is our government openly suppressing 1st amendment free speech and free press.

That is completely unconstitutional.

122 264

mags hightailed it straight for indy the moment she graduated—until the family farm began to rot in '84 and, in coming home to help out, she became unwittingly entwined in a government coverup for years to come

29 388

you make me GLOOOOOAAAAOW buticoverup wont let it shOOOOOAAAAAAOW

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