画質 高画質

One can forgive regular people their faults, while remembering enough to protect oneself in the future. But there is no forgiveness for governments, officials, authorities, and rulers.

Rumination canvas print -- https://t.co/EXtHXgrL5w

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The US has lea than 5% of the world population but 16.6% of all deaths worldwide (1,098,387 Americans have died).
We are once again the world leader.
We need to Make America Humane Again
We owe it to ourselves and the world.

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27. เป็น Covid 19 มาสักพักละพึ่งมีแรงวาดรูป😷

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Jeder, der hatte, sollte auf Schlaganfall-Symptome achten

Harlan Krumholz, Kardiologe an der Yale School of Medicine, sagt, er mache sich Sorgen über zwei Arten von Die offensichtliche Variante führt unter anderem zu Fatigue, während eine weniger…

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Hi Folks, sorry for being offline for so long, but my wife contracted CoViD19 and I've been looking after her at home. I'm not sure if I'll catch it or not, or even if I've already caught it, but I've been awfully tired of late. Take care & best regards. Some writing humor for U:

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